John 3:22-36: John the Baptist has great joy in Jesus being exalted


The focus of this passage is on John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus. Although Jesus has by now taught with great authority and shown his anointing through his miracles, some Jews are still adhering and arguing for the law as the vehicle to “becoming clean.” John the Baptist’s disciples are also jealous because Jesus is drawing larger crowds to him and being baptised by Him. This reaches a point where they go to the Baptist for answers.

John answers them in three clear points:

  • Everything is ordained and given by God alone. Our position and possessions in this life is all a blessed gift from God and it will always be so that we can glorify His name through it.
  • That Jesus is the Christ and that John the Baptist was merely pointing to His majesty. He is saying that they, the disciples of the Baptist, have done their job and the Messiah is here now. It does not mean they will stop declaring the Messiah is here, but that Jesus’ ministry will take centre stage now and the Baptist’s ministry will fade into the background.
  • We must change our attitudes from one of competition and envy to one of joy because of us decreasing and Him increasing (to paraphrase).

He is the great promised Messiah and He can accomplish what we can not; thus we are to have great joy in that fact. John the Baptist, starting by declaring Jesus’ wide and immense glory in v31-32, gets to the heart of the reason to this great joy in v36 by saying “ He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life…”

John 3:1-21 : Jesus explains to Nicodemus spiritual rebirth


Nicodemus was part of the Sanhedrin and a member of the Pharisees. It seems that he came to Jesus in his personal capacity because he came under the cover of darkness. He immediately acknowledges that Jesus must be a great teacher, even greater than all of their council put together, because nobody does the miracles and teaches like Jesus does without God.

The fact that Jesus does these works (miracles) must bother the learned Pharisees because they were the bastion of righteous living. If anyone pleased God then it must be them! Should they not be number one in God’s eyes and bless them in this way ?! However, it is clear that this Rabbi Jesus has more favour with God than them. To the Pharisees, this does not compute!

But the question Nicodemus seems to struggle to formulate in-between v2 and v3 is pre-empted by Jesus because Jesus answers “you must be born again of the spirit.” That is the answer you need to know. Jesus also makes it clear that this has always been the case as he points out in v10 – if you have studied the Law and the Prophets properly, you would understand this.

“You must be born again;” John the Apostle used the word ἄνωθεν (anothen) (v7) which means (i) to do it a second time; (ii) radically, completely a new beginning; and (iii) from above. Out Lord shows his great compassion and patience with us perfectly when he explains to Nicodemus that this transition is from this world of the flesh to the glorious kingdom of the Son of God. This spiritual birth can only be achieved through the belief in the Son of God and not through any works or deeds by the physical flesh.

Nicodemus still did not understand. Jesus tells him in plain words that this spiritual rebirth can only happen through the Son that the Father gave to this world. The Messiah is here on earth to bring the people into the light through a renewing of the mind (spiritual rebirth) and there is only one way this can happen: through the Christ.

John 2:12-25: Jesus cleanses the Temple from gross sin


The first Passover of our Lord’s ministry is recorded in these passages. In sharp contrast with the previous passage, Jesus does not impose his authority quietly; he goes in with a whip. It’s obvious that he needed one; I would imagine people getting physically upset when someone dumps your table with wares on the ground. This is the first cleansing of the Temple. The second time right before his death is given in Matthew 23:38-39 and Luke 13:34-35.

There is also something to say about righteous anger which the Lord perfectly displays here. I believe that our Lord could perfectly judge the intentions of the traders in the Temple and thus display and enact His divine righteous anger. Jesus obviously embarrassed his disciples with such a public display of outrage but they remembered the words from Ps 69:9 and must have realised that what is going on here cannot be the right thing. There is no embarrassment for doing the right thing.

It is also ironic that before the Passover, the Jews meticulously go through their houses to look for any signs or traces of yeast or substance that could cause fermentation and cleansing every such manifestation from their home. Yet, here in the Temple, the holiest place, the yeast of the Pharisees and the money hungry Sadducees is flourishing and infecting all the Jewish worshippers around them. It was no secret that these leaders exploited the worshippers through their money changing and the selling of animals that were “good enough” (without blemish to the priest’s standard) for the sacrifice.

All of this leads up to the first altercation Jesus has with the Jews (Sadducees, etc.) as given in John’s Gospel. In no way can we be ignorant to the fact that the Pharisees and Sadducees by now know what transpired at the baptism of Jesus and how John the Baptist pointed to Him as the Messiah. It is in this light that they, firstly, recognise His authority through his words and his actions and secondly, as a result, demand a sign to prove himself to be the Messiah. Jesus offers the ultimate sign by saying that he will die and be risen up from the dead after three days. Ironically, it went over the heads of the scholars of the Old Testament as they should have noticed the sign from Mal 3:3 – “…he will purify the sons of Levi…”. John also explains (v22) that even the disciples did not understand until after the resurrection of Jesus.

And then John ends chapter 2 with the observation that Jesus knows our every being. He knows when we have committed in our hearts to Him and not just because of the outward signs he performed.

What is your Response?

The fact that the selling and trading and extortion were commonplace in the temple shows that the people just accepted the sin as everyday normal life. The people’s hearts were blunted to the sins in their faces. There is a lot of sin in this world that is accepted as the norm or just overlooked because of fear of ridicule from the world.

When Jesus comes into your life, He is going to throw out all the clutter and corruption sin is manifesting in your life. He is going to go in there to cleanse you of all you iniquity. You will come out a changed person on the other side. Jesus demonstrated that in the public sphere of the temple, not one, but twice. He will also do so in my life for as many times that it takes to get me washed and clean before him.

How is it possible for me to be cleaned by Jesus ? Through his death and resurrection. Not by any wondrous sign or miracle but by the amazing love he has for me that he displayed perfectly by willingly dying on the cross for me (breaking down His temple) and rising 3 days later (building up His temple).

John in essence is saying (v24) that if we commit 100% to Jesus, he is faithful to forgive our sins and clean our lives.

John 2:1-11: Jesus transitions into his public ministry: The first sign


Jesus’ disciples had become followers of the Lord; all of them because of various exclamations and reasons. Nathanael believed Him to be the Son of God and the King of Israel while Andrew, the other disciple (of John the Baptist) and Andrew’s brother, Simon Peter believe Jesus is the Lamb of God and the Messiah. Phillip recognised Jesus as the one (John 1:45) “…of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote.”

At the wedding in Cana where Mary, Jesus and his disciples are attending, Jesus starts his ministry even though he says to his mother that his hour has not yet come. In the context, this seems to mean that his public ministry’s hour has not yet come because he does start a more personal ministry to his disciples. Although he performs this miracle at a private function between many people in Cana, only a few people know about it.

By now his mother should also have heard of the things John the Baptist said about Jesus. Also, if the disciples believed him to be the Messiah, even more so his mother to whom it was prophesied at his birth. Thus it should come as no surprise that Mary believed him to be very special. To what extent is unknown but she believed it and thus uttered very wise words (v5) “Do as He tells you.” Indeed, do as Jesus tells you!

The same goes for the disciples; they have exclaimed that they believe Jesus to be Messiah, prophet and Lamb of God, but here, with this miracle, Jesus confirms their beliefs (and suspicions) with this miracle. It is almost as if Jesus is edifying his disciples with this sign.

Jesus’ first miracle did not kick off his ministry with a public display of amazing miracles as promised in Isaiah 35 (v5 and 6 in particular), but quietly (the servants said nothing in v9).

The result of this quiet miracle is in v11: “and his disciples believed in him.” It is fundamental that the faith of the disciples are rock solid (as far as humans are capable) because it is them that will establish the church and establish the authority of Jesus in the church.

What is your Response?

Jesus did many miracles in his ministry here on earth; however, John the Apostle chooses only eight of these to accomplish the goal of his gospel. Apart from teaching his disciples through these signs, Jesus also edifies and strengthens our faith today when we read about these miracles.

Jesus not only showed that He is God through his works, but also that he is Master over all the elements on earth; including us. Jesus owns every molecule in my body and thus, I can only worship Him with all those molecules as best as I can through obedience to his words.


John 1:35-51: Why follow Jesus ?


In v35 in the text we read that Jesus returned to where John was baptising and again John the Baptist pointed out Jesus as “The Lamb of God [who takes away the sin of the world.]”

Two disciples of John the Baptist recognised Jesus as the Messiah and turned away from John to follow Jesus. Jesus’ question to them, “Why are you following me?” is a heavily loaded question that every believer must answer. Why are YOU following Jesus ? This must also be contrasted with the learned scribes and teachers who might have recognise the Lamb of God but did not believe it with, the disciples who heard from John the Baptist’s testimony and believed.

Not only did the two disciples acknowledge the fact that Jesus was a Great Teacher (Rabbi) but also that following Him is not a once off seminar; they had the desire to stay with Jesus. In a certain sense they were asking Jesus where “is your school so that we can stay with you and learn.”

In the verses that follow more men join Jesus and they commit to stay with him. Andrew goes and collects his brother Simon Peter and tells him the Good News and he believes.

Jesus finds Phillip and he follows after Jesus calls him. His reason for following is given in v45 when he confesses to Nathanael in belief that the Messiah is here and that “we” have found Him.

The whole narration of the calling of the disciples can be summed up into this: Jesus called them and they believed that he is, in the words of Nathanael (v49), “… the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”


The calling of the disciples as related here in the Gospel of John has many lessons and implications for us who follow Jesus. We have to recognise Him as the Lamb of God that was sacrificed to take away the sins of the world and when we follow Him it is forever. It is a life changing commitment to give glory to God through your life in service and obedience to Him. It is not a phase to enter into but a life of dedicated study and application

The disciples had the immense privilege to receive their ministry direct from Jesus but they had to believe first that he is the Messiah. We know that 11 of the 12 believed and became great witnesses of our Lord during their Apostolic ministry.

If we decide to follow Jesus it is with all our heart and mind and strength.

John 1:19-34: It is John the Baptist who baptises Jesus

John 1:19-34: It is John the Baptist who baptises Jesus

The Pharisees sent some of their own to affirm their interpretation of the scripture. They wanted an affirmation from John the Baptist that he was indeed what they wanted the scripture to say: that he was either “the prophet”, Elijah or the Christ. It would appear that, as far as the law makers were concerned, these were the only possibilities. Also, they did not ask him these questions so that they might believe, but solely so that they can provide an answer to those who have sent them. This exchange is more academic than concerned with revelation.

In Malachi 3:1-3 the messenger that would prepare the way is foretold and in addition (v2 and v3) the fact that the Lord will refine and purify the “Levites.” It seems thus fitting that Levites are mentioned together with the scribes.

Anticipating their expectations John the Baptist immediately quotes Isaiah 40:3 answering them at their level; i.e. “you clever scholars should know the scriptures and find my designation and office in there.” At this point it should also have dawned on them that the coming of the Messiah must be at hand if the messenger is here. Yet again, the impact of the events escaped them: the Messiah that Israel has been waiting for is coming!

All the questions asked by the enquirers were self centered and looking for their own pat-on-the-back affirmation. In all John the Baptist’s answers he was pointing to Jesus who is to appear (soon). He humbles himself (v27 “…I am not worthy”) and exalts the Lord (v29 “Behold, the Lamb of God …”). John the Baptist not only recognises the Christ but also confirms his deity in v30 where John the Apostle uses the words (emprostheon) before (or in front of me) [Jesus] (ginomai) came into being. Even though John the Baptist is older in age than Jesus, Jesus was before him. Once again he exalts Jesus though proclaiming that He is God.

Through the witness of John the Baptist he confirms Jesus as God and that he is the anointed Messiah prophesied through Gods appointed prophets.

What is your response ?

Love in Christ,


John 1:1-18

The Word that became Flesh to overcome the darkness with His Light.

The purpose of this gospel (John 20:31) “…but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” This is the point of view which must be kept in mind when reading the gospel of John.

John is taking the reader on a journey back to the beginning of time using the same words as what is found in Genesis 1 (the beginning) where only God existed and only God could possibly be present. No human or anything else existed there in that space (or non-space!) that is “the beginning”. With this journey John is pointing to the fact that the Word was present with God and (in addition to that fact) also, was God. God made it all and was present and so was the Word. Thus by implication, all that exists must have been made under the supervision of the Word, under the authority of the Word and through the Word because He is also God.

Taking a wider view one can see a progression starting: Word becomes Life; Life becomes Light; and the Light becomes Flesh.

The Word is also Life. This implies that there was none before the Word. And as the Word made all things, the Word made Life because He is Life. Once again, this can only be God who is the Word but who is also Life. Not just the creator of life, but the life force that existed from the beginning.

Life becomes light: What does the light do? It implies that the world is in darkness. The only way to expel the darkness is through light. We know from man’s sinful nature that the flesh loves the darkness and was (and continues to be) happy to live in the darkness. We are separated from God but now the Word becomes the light; an announcement that the darkness is to be overcome and man can be freed from his dark prison.

This announcement came in the form of John the Baptist who, after approximately 400 years of silence from God, proclaimed that the time has come for the messiah. The Word, from God, who is God and who will bring the light into the darkness, is here. John the Baptist was the witness to the light and the promise of life. John the Apostle is saying that this Messiah was also God and not just a human hero messiah.

The Word, the Life and the Light that is Jesus was fully man in human flesh. The divine One who was there from the beginning and made all and to whom all these divine characteristics are attributed to is also a human. To some scribes, this was unthinkable that the Holy God would become Human. This type of thinking made some reject Him because they could not comprehend a God who humbled himself out of divine love for us or Jesus is not what they wanted and their selfish desires rejected Him as God and as Messiah. But those who choose to believe in Him are accepted into God’s kingdom and family. Thus, the Word became flesh and his name was Jesus. Jesus is God. Jesus is Human.

What is your response ?



NT1 – Introduction

I am currently enrolled in a course at the Master’s College doing the course New Testament Survey 1. Our assignment for this module is as follows:

There are two major outlines due for this course covering John, and Acts. I must outline by selections of passages, as per the segment chart given. For example your first outline segment would be John 1:18, then 1:19-34 etc.

Format Guidelines: Below are the headings to include for each segment.
Title: name for the section
Analysis: What does the passage say?
Response: How does this apply to me?

Grading Guidelines

1.Thoroughness and depth of your comments.
2.Focus on one key thought in your response.
3.Adherence to the outline format.

I thought i’d post my outlines here for logistical reasons and so that someone else might be blessed by them. The posts will change from time to time as i make changes before hand-in on 30 Sept 2013 for the gospel of John.



Love in Christ,
